Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just a brief word or two

Just a brief word or two here.

First, please check out all of my paintings here-- the digital medium paintings as well as the traditional media paintings.

As a rule of thumb (and there are exceptions to this rule, such as the post you're now looking at), each post contains 1 or more of my paintings. So to view each of my paintings at this site, simply scroll down the page from post to post (painting to painting) until you get to the bottom. Then, right there at the bottom of the page, click "Older Posts" to check out the next batch of paintings. Go on like this, until you've checked out every one of them!

To get a somewhat larger view of a painting, simply click it.

Secondly, please find "Sidebars" near the upper right hand corner of this page and, just beneath, click "links you might want to check out".  There (inside the "links you might want to check out" sidebar), you can access and enjoy a music video that shows my colleague Tony Burress improvising on his harmonica while the wonderful Dr. Roland Carter accompanies him on piano.  You'll also find links to a couple sites belonging to my art tutor Mr. Bradley Wilson, while yet another link will take you to a website filled with paintings by my colleague Mr. Jerry Morrison.

If you wish, you can check out the sidebar about Cross Plains Community Partner, wherein you'll find out about the services Cross Plains provides for the Dalton, Georgia area, and for people with developmental disabilities.

Those are but a few of the interesting-- and relevant-- items you'll find up there in the "Sidebars" section.

Most of all, however, I'd simply like to hear from you about my artwork. What do you think of my digital medium paintings? My traditional media paintings? How do you think they compare? Any favorites? If so, which ones are they?

What else strikes you?

Please comment! And thanks for stopping by; tell your friends about this site.

See you later.